Offical URL:

Ph0wn is a jeopardy style CTF dedicated to smart devices (IoT, embedded systems, smart phones…). Example: challenges on connected weather station, IP webcams, smart phones etc. It is a local CTF (local presence mandatory for the challenges) in Sophia Antipolis, France.

CTF events

Ph0wn 202318.00
Ph0wn 202218.00
ph0wn 20210.00
ph0wn 20190.00
ph0wn 201825.00
ph0wn 201725.00
Related tags: stuff c linux fun networking icpc c stego wireshark python sql injection crypto hacking trobleshoting basic security concepts basic programming basic sql injection computer audio engineering music production forensics filmmaking recon musicgame web reverse development engineering programming binary cryptography whitebox dfa dca rubik cryptography-rsa usb pwn barcode android adb apk crossword sleeping nothing got plaidctf pctf korea network hardware exploit prog iot 3d retro ot lora dump flash misc mindstorm lego privesc pcap shellcode risc-v .net raspberry windows rookie arm ghidra http3 aws hash signature aes-ctr reversing cron lfi pentest tar sqli ssrf frequency-analyzing boneh-durfee coppersmith string volatility schmidt-samoa pwnable music esp32 pdf bluetooth reverse_engineering nintendo 2ds steganography sdr mqtt programing satellites osint game risc