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Be the Devil in a quest of questions. Ride in the nightmares of all programmers, and steal the points from right under their buggy noses. The CTF for all the evil geniuses out there. Presenting, EvlzCTF.

CTF events

Evlz CTF 3.023.62
Evlz CTF18.56
Related tags: random sleeping programing algorithmics c++ crypto algorithms hardware cellular radio physical cryptography stegano forensics programming reverse engineering looking_confused x86-64 reverse_engineering c ida python c cracking nothing incidentresponse networking bash analyzing exploit misc web coding rot13 ascii reverse engineering dns pwn wireshark ssl misc/crypto xss sqli reversing lfi node.js pcap windows leak network csaw2017 vm re exploitation steganography websec rev video bug-hunting pdf pdfcrack sage race-condition xor bash_jail sanity recon hex fcrackzip qrcode miscellaneous heap lsb gpg quest key-manipulation vbscript powershell keygen reverse-engineering stackcanary antidebug git forensic srop binary-exploitation binaryninja angr 32-bit ret2libc rop redis remote crc image-proccessing qr-code png