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A jeopardy style CTF organized by computer science department of College of vocational studies, Delhi University, New Delhi, India

CTF events

Related tags: wtf reverse engineering steganography engineering wi-fi app qr networks code python c forensic crypto metasploit c nothing java json sql android web exploitation forensics sleeping php learning talking crytography sqli perl mysql stegano notes audio captcha pattern-matching wav ppc classifier otp stream-cipher xss re opencv reverse rev exploit pwn pentest zahjebischte misc stego reversing ctf encryptctf guessing miscellaneous cookie ssti pcap wpa wep jinja2 ret2libc binaryexploitation leak pwntools pwnable bufferoverflow libc libc_database aes programming webexploitation mmap printf shell linux redirection volatility osint emulation wireshark timing euro euro2021 lmao cryptography md5 git lua hash-collision rsa-crt prng rsa fault bot antidebug exfiltration maldoc realist powershell arm32 aes-ecb trivia rubber-ducky heap apt vba discord windows reverse_engineering emulator retro disassembly mips baby ssrf redis angr directory-traversal werkzeug jail