Offical URL:

peaCTF, Phillips Exeter Academy’s Capture the Flag, is a free online computer security competition for middle school and high school students. Teams of 1-5 competitors decrypt, hack, reverse engineer, and search for flags hidden in puzzles written by PEA students. Gaining points with each flag, participants compete for the highest score!

CTF events

peaCTF #1 (Open to All)0
peaCTF 2020 Advanced0
peaCTF 20190.00
Related tags: penetration testing forensics html penetration exploits programming reverse engineering derp nothing javascript python java shell pentesting crypto malware nmap slacking c network libc windows technical c vim security metasploit hexeditor stego classic-crypto substitution polybius cipher bash md5 ppc imagemagic meme based ghidra bufferoverflow ropchain one_gadget rop stackoverflow got plt code web shellshock cgi php cookies engineering reverse cryptography bacon ascii crytography decode cryptanalysis vigenere grepping ssh grep linux stegano image stegsolve binwalk audio flask ssti jinja2 robots trivia sqli spectrogram diffie-hellman aes reversing injection misc osint pwn rev easy