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InfoXpression 2019 presents you with Rooters CTF hosted by Team Abs0lut3Pwn4g3.'
RCTF will be a worldwide Free-for-all competition dedicated to InfoSec and CyberSec Community. It will be a Jeopardy type capture the flag competition, held online where you will be presented with questions related to Cryptography, Web Hacking, Forensics, Reverse, Steganography and other various fields of cyber and information security.

So are you a 1 or a 0 ?

CTF events

Rooters CTF24.23
Related tags: web python coding c linux .net c++ securtity network reverse engineering malware c networking nosql javascript php flask ssti upload lfi crypto rsa lcg dsa babypwn pwn injection command ret2libc srop heap tcache format-string pie forensics cryptography-rsa misc forensic api sqli sqlinjection primes crt aes-cbc aes blockcipher python3 deobfuscation zkp galois-field brute-force hash-length-extension-attack md5 sha1 nginx laravel elliptic-curve matrix randomness fast-destruct deserialization