Offical URL:

Hackfest is a 2 day conference from 8am to 18pm and a 2 hacking games nights from 19pm to 3am, in Quebec, Canada. See games descriptions here

CTF events

Hackfest 20150.00
Hackfest 20130.00
Hackfest 20145.00
Hackfest 201220.00
Related tags: programming reverse engineering forensics misconfiguration virus web misc trivia rop exploitation jail shellshock bof datamining crypto hardware python string overflow malloc ret2dlresolve shell srop wiener rsa bot base64 irc elf deobfuscation php pwn dns https mips buffer overflow command injection gdb remote overflow ownable bin hash crime attack salt logical stegano ida pro cracking java apk dalvik android js exploit clojure redirect challenge response qr codes networking admin go ppc