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The First CTF organized by South Korea's CTF team Defenit.
Categories are including Reversing, Pwnable, Web, Crypto, Forensics, Misc.

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CTF events

2020 Defenit CTF23.88
Related tags: nothing kernel pwnable kvm coding programming stuff network fo c++ java python linux networking import bin pwn web algorithms crypto bash metasploit phishing exploit golang reverse scripting baby angr ethereum blockchain misc instrumentation artist https reversing android templatefilters nodejs osint cryptocurrency forensic forensics engineering web3 tumbler ssrf regex idna qrcode minesweeper coppersmith franklin-reiter dodge rev symlink race-condition steganography flask websec hash-collision handlebars prototype-pollution rc4 z3 usb ftkimager amcache amcacheparser simic cvbgf sqli number asf inspired sdfghjk sdfgh dfghxc adsfdfg ghj adsfdfgh asdf factoring shellcode namespaces impact genshin cxv dsagsdgasd miscellaneous adsfdgfdsf morse