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RGBsec is happy to announce our first CTF competition!

The challenges range from an easy to hard difficulty, with most problems being focused on a medium skill level. The competition features plenty of binary exploitation, cryptography, web, reversing, and OSINT challenges.

CTF events

rgbCTF 202019.74
Related tags: python cryptanalysis reversing cryptography forensics crypto train trains reverse engineering steganography network securtity networking useless learning crytography coding logic #web development php security nothing .net c++ network web linux sql procrastination databases analysis gdb haskell bash c sqli ida code-analysis csrf x86 pwntools xss pwn perl c design pwning - java owasp windows exploitation burpsuite sqlinjection misc language gopher modbus ssrf pcap miscellaneous reverse pwnable xor beginner's btsnoop att bluetooth combinatorics rev math angr algorithmic blackbox timing-attack algorithm programming algorithms osint heap tcache image stego beginner esoteric-language 2020 rgbctf js har forensic flask rgbctf2020 session prng aes hof bytes hid keyboard wireshark radio sstv atari reddit md5 volatility memory_dump memory bruteforce bypass random loop audio minified javascript guess djikstras-algorithm pathfinding djikstra spectrogram dtmf git rubiks-cube rubik rsa affine substitution small-e z3 engineering re reverse-engineering reverse_engineering reverseengineering apk android frida firmware http saafd dasfdgfhg sfdgf adcscfd sddfs adsfdgfadsfdgfgh sdgdscfsdf dsadasf pyc algo saafvsdfds dasfdffsdgfg scfsfaswdfsa dasfafsdgfg adsfdgfg format-string directory-traversal dasfdfdafsd sadsfgh fdsfsfds fsdgfgh. adsfdgf sdfasfasf malware easy extension adsfdgfghj dafsdgfafs dasfdfg sdfsfsafs dcsad asfdfghjk sadsfdfg cdffs sfdfdsfdgfgh ewqewtew wtewqtew tenable dasfdgffsd asfdffgdf aafaf. sssfasf ssti golang sfdgfhg