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N00B_4rMY is a community of Cybersec Enthusiast aswell as a student community lead by some Cyber Security Students from an University in INDIA.

The team focuses on community Development and helps newbie's to take a brave step towards Cyber Security.

The Organizers have made it completely non-profitable and community oriented.

We are N00B_4rMY!

CTF events

VulnX CTF 20240
VULNCON CTF 202021.56
NoobCTF 0x123.17
Related tags: rfi network crypto security misc sql malware re c learning talking python hash math admin ppc algorithms xss sqlinjection java metasploit pentesting linux cybersecurity c++ c javascript assembly kernel pwn kvm bruteforce reverse ev3-protocol ev3 null-byte-poisoning malloc tcache heap-overflow ret2libc binaryexploitation leak pwntools pwnable bufferoverflow libc libc_database phar xxe svg ssrf alias web nginx programming polyglot forensic memory_dump dtmf seed-cbc cryoto forensics memory easy xor keepass password-cracking networking md5 series osint cryptocurrency miscellaneous rev angr unpacking cssinjection inspect-element exif metadata factoring rsa png stegsolve keyboard-layout csp blockchain smart-contract engineering warmups response incident ir ecdsa