For many years during the Summer Scientific School ( gifted high school students participated in an onsite CTF for beginners.

This year due to the coronavirus the CTF will be open for everyone and there will be some (hopefully) hard tasks! The categories will be reversing, pwn, web, crypto. We kindly encourage anyone to try their best.

The first edition of CCTF is brought to you by Made In MIM!

Telegram group join link:

CTF events

CCTF 202024.00
Related tags: nothing reverse engineering malware android metasploit csrf computer and network security forensics sqlmap hacking penetration testing windows exploitation wireshark buffer overflow attacks wifi cracking kali linux sql injection misc aes aes-ecb crypto web git inclusion php directorylisting apl sql esoteric-language polyglot cryptography-rsa sanity furry pwn sandbox risc-v hardware xor cellular rsa flask oauth lisp rev discrete-log chinese-remainder path-traversal kernel verilog risc timing-attack dh maths ecc e-comm events xss cscfsdf adcas stego asfdfgh asdgfhg asfdf asfdffgdf