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A CTF event organized by Computer Science students of Universitas Indonesia. The main event is aimed for Indonesian citizens, but everyone is welcome to participate in the mirror contest.

CTF events

COMPFEST CTF 202329.00
COMPFEST CTF 202221.85
COMPFEST CTF 202121.85
Related tags: crypto web nothing crytography recon forensics guessing dynamic security development exploit reverse_engineering reverse engineering re databases scripting html javascript c++ css assembly misc xxe injection rsa aes secure-coding code-analysis sqli gamehacking idapython pwn path-traversal binaryexploitation integer_overflow rev key-manipulation osint ret2libc shellcode sgx python3 xor redis stackoverflow js code-injection dom-clobbering xss crosssitescripting ssti jinja2 python server-side-template-injection rce preg_replace php maxi-code djvu range apache2 lfi steghide stego stegno steganography stegano cryptography dvctf 2021 davincictf ldap local_file_inclusion volatility sqlinjection obfuscation randomness hydra bruteforce gittools git uncompyle6 nahamcon miscellaneous discord diffie-hellman brainfuck jar stack_pivot heap-overflow race-condition tamperdata format-string offbyone rop overflow off-by-one oob bufferoverflow pcap forensic aes-cbc morse memory wav antidebug statically_linked research ecdsa illusion writeup shellctf histexpand bash jsfuck bof wtf.js pathfinding programming ret2win phone-osint heap wayback-machine compression bytecode mips qemu-user flutter apk debug-mode android one-liner adler32 spring4shell weasyprint log4j waf stack des bitcoin oracle known-plaintext ecb correlation-attack lfsr boolean-function annihilator classic-crypto weak-keys lll color pdf crc image-proccessing qr-code png zip duckduckgo tcache poisioning safe linking one-byte stack overflow format string libc database one gadget exploitation binary