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cscodershub is organizing TrollCAT CTF, a Jeopardy based ctf challenge for beginners. This will be 12 hours online ctf with following challenges:
1. PWN
2. Web Security
3. Cryptography
4. Stegnography
5. Reversing
7. Network Forensics
8. Miscellaneous

CTF events

TrollCAT CTF 202121.87
Related tags: c disassembly programming c++ python forensics technologies reverse engineering linux server admin social engineering nothing learning things pentesting coding sqli lfi rfi command_injection engineering reverse formatstring buffer-overflow c exploitation pwn misc reversing web crypto rsa machine linux recon signature sha1 ssh bufferoverflow automatization perl assembly ret2libc pwnscripts strcpy uaf __free_hook rev angr steganography forens wireshark steghide networking aircrack bruteforce binwalk cryptography base64 bitlocker ghidra gdb memory_dump volatility rsactftool cyberchef pcap writeup osint video re classical react xss csp nextjs svg chromium webdav