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Organized by the University of Delaware's own CTF team, the BlueHens CTF aims to provide interesting and unique challenges in a jeopardy-style format targeting academic as well as professional teams.

CTF events

BlueHens CTF 202434.05
BlueHens CTF 202324.61
BlueHens CTF 202224.61
BlueHens CTF 202122.62
Related tags: python webshell owasp crypto web programming algorithms kotlin android programing java observe penetration network pentesting researching logic servers exploits pwnable pwn reverse english admin linux server stuff hacking misc stego debugging pwning exploitation reverse_engineering infra metasploit lfi reconaissance cryptography hash xsrf sleeping cybersecurity javascript privilege escalation steganography cracking fuzzing exploit engineering reversing networking hashcat pentest design nothing learning things player girls talking to re web200 c nmap c nc xxd assembly latex latex pcap php-fpm ida radare2 anti-debugging unpacking php cve perl rce mywebsql dump reverse-engineering websec rust kernel dustjs blindsql stackcanary syscall stack_pivot phone osint mobil ropchain rop got pwnscripts powershell forensics random antidebug sigreturn stack_canaries game xss cookies .net rev apk android git bruteforce docker lsof angr bof csrf minecraft mc86 cipher morse golly rle format-string sqli error jwt session permissions firebase wasm x86 lcg heap bufferoverflow vm inclusion bit-by-bit os fsg salsa20 format revesing seccomp string-format scripting doublefree libc-2.23 environ_ptr fastbindup python-exploitation werkzeug jinja2 ssti seccomp-tools pil nosql-injection js obfuscated mysql waf boolean tcache pico-8 directory-traversal jail forensic wienersattack randomness warmup stegano aws cloud xor hardware curl baby crackme lex wordle qr otp steg grumbot vigenere parallel canary shell sessions firestore play-with-friends pokemon rsa historical dirbust hexahue diffie-hellman esolang circuit wrap sql x11 wireshark glibc234 esolangs aes wpa prng xoshiro128++ seed-cracking xoroshiro128++ leak 32-bit shellcoding shellcode ret2win pie i386 unintended-solution pwntools coding stegnography mathematics zero-knowledge-proof trivial encoding known-plaintext python2 factordb small-e fermat lsb hidden steghide powerpoint reverseimagesearch blind modular-arithmetic math esoteric-language lisp nes binarytotext