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FooBarCTF is a world-wide Capture The Flag (CTF) competition organized by GNU/Linux Users Group, NIT Durgapur during Aarohan, Annual Techno-Management Fest of NIT Durgapur.

CTF events

FooBar CTF 202329.87
FooBar CTF 202221.61
FooBar CTF 202121.61
Related tags: c++ forensics php html sql prolog programming linux java linuxbasic nothing useless kali copy math steganography algebra c logic latex latex windows pcap python unix bash xmpp cs qrcode c googling wireshark random web ruby malware reverse_engineering devops servers sleeping cryptography cybersecurity metasploit pentesting networking hashcat engineering reverse pwn websec x86-64 reversing memdump asm learning things pyjail filesystem scripting rsa csp-bypass xss javascript csp osint binary sql-injection sqli cookies sqlinjection misc sanitycheck discord sanity miscellaneous md5 aes bruteforce crypto chroot ascii fmtstr lcg stego apt vim cve-2019-12735 cve uaf deobfuscation ios react reverse-engineering crytography reading vulnerability webexploitation binary-exploitation ropchain libc-2.28 rop appsec-il jwt trivia android python-exploitation werkzeug jinja2 ssti bof seccomp-tools rev angr re rce ucucuga nosqli ssrf nosqlinjection sqlinj nosql idor nosql_injection lfi xxe sqlmap nosql-injection csrf sql_injection rfi srop baby