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Organized by the Crusaders of Rust (a.k.a. Starrust Crusaders), an American and European collegiate team.

CTF events

corCTF 202455.00
corCTF 202336.97
corCTF 202224.92
corCTF 202124.92
Related tags: coding being web #pwn python reverse c++ pentesting troubleshooting video penetration virtualization pentest engineering linux networking social security network programming cryptography unix remote java .net c c linuxbasic programming.algorithm bash regex researching pwn re cooking ruby inclusion binaryexploitation crypto powershell reversing forensics crypto100 writing games heap rop stack_pivot seccomp javascript xss data-uri prototype-pollution csp-bypass csp dom-purify kernel alloca lamport-signature tcalc mips kernel-module kernel#pwn cobol xor sqli sqlite websocket sql shellscript misc zsh android reverse-engineering osint timing-attack escape strings preproccessor sandbox notebook hash-collision md5 rand fd ssrf xssauditor hardware forensic named-pipes jail pyjail null byte rust wasm csrf rev z3 webassembly ret2libc ret2csu rsa aes aes-ctr lcg quantum stream-cipher graphql ssti flask php js dnsrebind mqtt webrtc xsleaks ai markov csharp game vm nested-vms algo themida babyheap ret2lib 2.34 house-of-rust firefox browser spidermonkey lll prng error-correction corctf json post heap-overflow 0day shietidk cyberchef ghidra debugger reverse_engineering chess cds turing_machine exploitation autorop padding-oracle sympy ecdsa forgery elf modular-arithmetic wireshark largebin tcache-poisoning pcap quiz command injection blackbox nodejs express readfilesync tcp budibase redis cve msdos lattice elliptic 2.36 differential-linear-attack curves dlp diffie-hellman oracle okamoto-uchiyama lfsr coppersmith ecc tls1.3 coredump h2 dom-clobbering react deserialization x509 ocsp avx256 rockyou windows polyglot turing obfuscation antidecompile parallel jit graphs llil riscv linalg cross-cache chrome pthread docker-escape solana zig uxss drm corctf2022 ropchain rlfsr rockyou.txt rce fizzbuzz health outdoors lfr cfg classical nextjs sigrop hare cheese blockchain baby related-nonce uaf ethereum solidity dsa ntt math ring-2 smm firmware sanity flag-checker udp distributed-systems path-traversal svg youtube open-redirect mq uov type-system xsleak nginx container-escape n-day cfi avx-512 sysret micro-architecture side-channel sbox interpolation cryptanalysis feistel lfi django parser-differential gunicorn dns-rebinding chromium webdav toctou linker leakless glibc reportlab blockcipher polynomial algebraic s-box ddt rate-limit