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Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2021 is a Jeopardy-style, beginner-friendly online CTF that's open to everyone. It is hosted by the LexMACS club from Lexington High School.

- OtterSec
- Trail of Bits
- Wolfram Alpha
- Digital Ocean
- MIT Beaver Works
- Xcamp Academy
- Texas Instrument

For more information, visit our website at
You can also join our discord server

CTF events

Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 202333.53
Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 202223.87
Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 202123.87
Related tags: java things programing learning pwning researching security html mysql nothing php networking osint sql network penetration malware databases reverse android nodejs css social engineering linux bash race condition cryptography-rsa sqlinjection crypto crytography cryptanalysis csharp python steganography cryptography nessus aircrack nmap burpsuite metasploit web misc google exploitation xss stego javascript websec forensics net pentesting shellcode pwn js matrix dart schnorr ecc re sectf sqli exploit z3 morse audio vinegar htb weak-keys goldwasser-micali boneh-durfee reversing rsa complex polynomials binomial lfsr coding des fermat analysis frequency kernel fun poisonnullbyte doublefree tcache bruteforce xor usb ftkimager forensic amcache amcacheparser hash sha256 .net acpi verilog hardware syscall seccomp rev angr symbolic_execution printf primes factoring rsa-crypto memory_corruption leak aes pcbc oracle-padding primitive_roots crt root_of_unity linear_algebra knapsack modular-root british_flag_theorem caesar_shift xxe blacklistbypass ret2libc bof eval selfmodifying esoteric-language pickle websockets fmtstr heap hill-cipher prng random padding-oracle blockcipher hex2raw dynamic-analysis boolean geoguessr vm virus assembly inspect-element cookies injection headers ctf xml blindsql ssti filter timing-attack csrf prototype-pollution xml-injection emojicode troll hex caesar intro images photo image metadata miscellaneous buffer-overflow discord decompile ssrf bmp sport survey buffer overflow fmtstring format-string regularexpression regex