Offical URL:

CTF run by students from Cyber Security Club @ Ohio State.

BuckeyeCTF is intended to be beginner friendly and is geared towards university teams, but there will be a wide range of difficulty.

Format is jeopardy: web, reversing, binary exploitation, crypto, etc.

CTF site:
Club site:

CTF events

BuckeyeCTF 202450.91
BuckeyeCTF 202334.50
BuckeyeCTF 202224.81
BuckeyeCTF 202124.81
Related tags: forensics python reverse web typescript re linux hacking sqlmap all nothing reversing .net cryptography penetration engineering scripting crypto c++ networks pwnable pwn machine_learning server network sqli burp pentest burpsuite admin metasploit bof gdb misc base64 python3 xor base ppc wasm bruteforce programming rust embedded beginner blockchain osint uaf heap tcache unsortedbin ctf_writeup wireshark networking inctf ctf2018 forensic scapy ctf2021 bsides ctf brute-force websec nosql-injection node.js java revesing objdump strings pwntools ropgadget algo rev stego z3 ida usb traffic pyshark easy medium docker twitter instagram ret4win 2021 buckeyectf rop staff usb-exfiltration jupyter xss diffie-hellman crt rsa root_of_unity ecc curve25519 qiling lfi discord curl sop php legendre-symbol kahoot websockets chacha javascript parseint