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The Few Chosen organizes its first CTF event between 26th-28th November. We are a group of 5 students that have participated in numerous CTFs and our passion for cybersecurity encouraged us to host our own. We have developed the website from the ground up to ensure that the participants are going to have the best experience. We are building the challenges ourselves and each one of us is specialized in a different category. Thus, we are going to have challenges from pwn, reverse, web, crypto, misc. The CTF is for everyone, no matter the amount of knowledge, as the challenges are rated from "warmup" to "hard". This CTF is the perfect occasion for beginners to learn their way through cybersecurity, but also for experts who want to test their skills

CTF events

TFC CTF 202441.68
TFC CTF 202333.71
TFC CTF 202224.27
TFC CTF 202124.27
Related tags: #web lua binaryexploitation motivation learning things pwn reverse being bad beginner python computers javascript linux shell engineering web steganography cryptography crypto nothing game hack walkthrough misc hacktm nc rpg exploit ctf quals strings tm rsa brute force osint miscellaneous rubik guessing lcg pyjail hash-length-extension unicode rop php-object-injection quantum rev craft heap fake_chunk medium forensics warmup hard md5 rce lfi log_poisoning emulation compiler xss movfuscator tfcctf