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idekCTF is an information security CTF competition organized by the idek team and is aimed at high school and university students, with difficult challenges catering to more experienced players. idekCTF will cover the standard Jeopardy-style CTF topics (binary exploitation, reverse engineering, cryptography, web exploitation, and forensics) as well as other, less standard categories.

CTF events

idekCTF 202452.06
idekCTF 2022*24.56
idekCTF 202124.56
Related tags: scripting hacking forensic crypto reverse engineering web c programming python javascript c go debugging bash linux admin browser nothing base64 pwn network networking lfi sqlinjection forensics pcap morse dancing-men re sha256 chacha game reversing misc rev osint stegano cryptography-rsa tallon dlsym ld_preload heap-overflow exploit format-string heap shellcode chroot fsb aes wireshark php bof ret2csu jinja2 phpfuck jinja rop pie ret2libc canary