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Space Heroes CTF is an online jeopardy style Capture the Flag competition hosted by the FITSEC Team From Florida Tech.

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CTF Start Time : 2022-04-01T16:00:00Z

CTF End Time : 2022-04-03T21:00:00Z

Sponsors: Research Innovations, ICR, Florida Tech, L3Harris

CTF events

Space Heroes 202424.50
Cyber Heroines CTF23.94
Space Heroes 202323.94
Space Heroes 202223.94
Related tags: re forensics programming stuff offensive crypto web android java html css objective-c python javascript cryptography forensic reverse engineering sleeping csharp learning networking c c++ revesing php jquery c sqlinjection esoteric-language sql assembly joking. windows exploiting hacking servers vulnerability app security enumeration scanning kali nmap binary hex pwn all exploitation coding exploits exploit pentesting linux nothing embedded cracking network programing osint things malware code steganography penetration websec writing ctf recon cats music reversing bash essay logical volatility mobile sequence base64 decode scripting script ppc misc admin reverse-engineering aes js binary-exploitation morse playfair vigenere pcap tar uuencoding prng time shellcode wildcard setenv heap format-string golang dpa rsa openssl asymmetric rev fault glitch clock arm hardware unicorn timing-attack sage ecdsa lattice curves elliptic sagemath coq exfil dns mmap diffie-hellman ftp ssrf deserialization hash_cracking password-cracking hashcat sourcecodeanalysis bufferoverflow sanity_check math equation time-based pwntools ghidra gdb ret2win ecc ecdh rop aslr gnuradio font oft gpt chatgpt ai prompt-injection audio burpsuite sleuthkit haskell side-channel xor wiener's_attack python_scapy otf gif cookies command_injection robots.txt xxe xml-injection github ssti jinja2 autopsy wireshark strings binwalk ascii octal ftkimager vmem voip bbs small-e pyc filesystem memdump ltrace movfuscated apk lsb-stego command-injection cryptography-rsa seed gamehacking write-what-where rce oscommandinjection disk-imaging safe-linking tcache-poisoning punchcard memorydump csrf qrcode pcapng scapy srand libc cbc substitution stegonography symbolic_execution sandbox