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A global CTF competition, hosted by the University of Adelaide's Capture the Flag Club and members of its associated competitive team, AdelaideB9.

CTF events

UACTF 202222.55
Related tags: learning things nothing jquery python javascript #stego c++ sqli steganography networking linux reversing windows php web forensics kali system sql cryptography rev miscellaneous jailbreak rbash jail bash factoring crypto sphincs+ pqcrypto rsa elgamal osint reverse-engineering ghidra x86-64 python3 memory forensic volatility regex memory_dump registry gimp paint seccomp sandbox shellcode capabilities format-string xss eval injection fwordctf-otaku namespace unintended hardware misc dreamcast maths goldbugcipher deadfishcipher flask yaml frequency-analyzing bof syscall pwn ret2win rop got-overwrite angr easy medium hard beginner engineering reverse shift shiftcipher algebra