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TeamItaly CTF is a Jeopardy-style Capture-The-Flag competition hosted by the members of TeamItaly, the italian national cybersecurity team participating in the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) by ENISA.

There will be challenges of varying difficulty of rev/pwn/web/crypto/misc categories.

Registrations open from the end of August.

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CTF events

TeamItaly CTF 202324.88
TeamItaly CTF 202224.88
Related tags: development javascript python c++ linux web oscp pentest java xss command_injection forensics chess nothing debugging c coding programming c php programming.algorithm sqli assembly i2c modbus binaryexploitation crypto math writing engineering reverse steganography pwn other pwntools bof eval pickle osint rsa factoring sstv ret2libc steghide xor padding ecb crytography http request smuggling rev misc miscellaneous file_path_traversal symlink extension zip magic_byte xsleaks