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Srdnlen CTF is a Jeopardy-style Capture-The-Flag competition hosted by the members of Srdnlen, an italian team based in Sardinia.

This CTF welcomes both beginners and advanced players. The challenges topics include reverse engineering, binary exploitation, web security, cryptography, forensics.

CTF events

Srdnlen CTF 202532.28
Srdnlen CTF 202324.17
Srdnlen CTF 202224.17
Related tags: trojan secure-coding hacking kali developing programming virus all web crytography forensic learning debugging cracking reversing android exploit linux stuff sql java php mysql c++ javascript .net apache security network html django python3 pyjail python cloud app-engine google-cloud pwn fsb v8 osint rot crypto rotated misc miscellaneous offbyone heap tcache wasm pwntools steganography opencv stegno wiener rsa forensics elks pivot x86 rop pivoting