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Jade CTF is being organized by the Data and Software Technology Club as a part of Concetto' 22, the annual techno-management fest of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.
The CTF will consist of challenges on various categories - Web exploitation, Pwn, Forensics, Blockchain, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, and Miscellaneous. The challenges are aimed at both - those who are beginners in the field of cybersecurity, as well as those who are a little advanced in the field.

21st October 12:00 - 23rd October 00:00 (IST)

36 hours


CTF events

Pearl CTF33.81
Pearl CTF23.95
Jade CTF23.95
Related tags: exploitation hacking c++ algorithms math analysis programming revesing networking python c shellcode crypto c assembly code-injection node.js java php web reversing quantum pwn hackthebox cyberapocalypse2021 controller gdb ghidra ret2libc elliptic-curve mathematics xor sql-injection system osint forensics rev hard rust easy docker medium xoroshiro128+ bytecode misc jail welcome 3d dfa fft gerber malware rsa aes lsfr gopher realworld packet-analysis steg memory-forensics memory