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THE HAXORCIST CTF is an on-site hacking event taking place locally in Bonn, Germany on October 28, 2023.

The Spookiest Competition Of All Time Has Returned, In A Version Like You've Never Seen Before.

Hunt the daemons, hack the possessed servers and find the root of the eval!
Assemble your team of Haxorcists and join the fight at IBM Garage for Defense!
Win awesome Prizes and Eternal Glory!

The CTF is hosted by Laokoon SecurITy, IBM and CGI. High profile sponsors such as Bechtle, SANS Institute and Hack The Box are supporting the event.
It will be played Jeopardy-style in teams of up to four team members.
THE HAXORCIST CTF is an on-site hacking event taking place locally in Bonn, Germany on October 28, 2023.

CTF events

Hacker Things CTF 202222.67