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The Women in Cyber Security Middle East (WiCSME) conference is proud to present its 3rd WiCSME2022 CTF in collaboration with the Cyber Talents platform!

The CTF will run as a 24-hour jeopardy-style virtual competition covering a range of categories including Reverse Engineering, Web Security, Digital Forensics, Network Security, and more!

Whether you’re a noob or a pro, we’ve got something for you! The CTF will have challenges of varying difficulty levels and will run from the 4th of November 3:00 PM AST Arabia till the 5th of November 3:00 PM AST Arabia.

Interested in participating? Fill out the following registration form! A confirmation email will be sent with information on how to register for the CTF.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at [email protected].

WiCSME is proud to present the WiCSME2022 Capture The Flag (CTF) competition.

$$ Prizes $$

First place: 5000 $ USD
Second place: 3000 $ USD
Third place: 2000 $ USD
Forth place: OSCP vouchers
Fifth place: CyberTalents Subscriptions

CTF events

WiCSME CTF 20220.00