Voting ended at: March 16, 2020, midnight

Weight after voting: 24.56 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 n3m351d4 йц

25 TheCodeYoda Really Well organized ctf with mind boggling Challenges

25 p4w nice one

25 drome nice challenges

15 insomn14 Good CTF

25 zju3000 good ctf

25 epist good ctf

25 Retr0w4ve G00d!

25 rootable nice ctf

25 myria Interesting

25 realsung gg

25 metarin good challs

22 lucab1705 nice

25 Z3D good

25 fsociety

25 pr0cf5 good

25 mdaliakbar98 nice

25 mdaliakbar98 nice

25 shift_crops nice pwn challs

25 hack_at_ash as they said... all chals are "no boring guess!" / immediate writeup disclosure after contest / good discord support / hard and learning new

25 ret2jazzy Nice challenges

20 iceclue Thumbs up to the challenges

25 D4mianWayne Awesome CTF, liked every pwn challenge

25 ingo interesting CTF

24 V0lk3n Good ctf but a bid hard for me :)

25 rbtree Well organized, nice tasks.

25 y12uN cool CTF

25 physicube

25 sqrtrev Cool

25 shpik Nice challs

25 PewZ Very fun pwn challenges

14 V0lk3n Hard but nice ctf

25 r4j Very well organized ctf, great challenges.

25 Haskell good ctf

25 fex0r nice ctf

25 arang Good ctf

25 arang Good ctf

25 damjan piyo

25 ohk990102 Not guessy

25 n3m351d4 ё

25 theKidOfArcrania awesome revs and overall was good.

18 insomn14 nice ctf

25 Folcoxx Nice CTF

25 t0mcr8se gr8 ctf

25 b4n4n4s fun ctf

25 VoidMercy :)

25 sampriti Amazing CTF. They gave source for pwn challenges which was really nice. Only issue was that 4 teams maxed, which means maybe more hard chall

25 9b07c09897f13ed77a1cef50a5ad3f W

25 v3ntur4X Hard CTF!!!

25 TecatechAlpha Nice web challs!

25 5unkn0wn nice

25 F055il215 :)

24 AdiPratama15 good ctf event

25 mr96

25 bowork189 Very tough CTF for me

25 droven0101 Very good CTF, was pretty hard but overall fun

25 SIben Balance of challenges not perfect (way more pwn than other categories), but otherwise great :)

25 sssctf

25 En1gma good ctf !!!

25 FOLKS-iwd nice one

25 jammy

25 x0r19x91 good

25 how2hack Interesting challenges! Nice

25 hhro Really dope. Nice reversing and pwnable. Learned a lot from meowmow.

25 JSec good

25 kaibro nice web challs :)

25 mystiz The challenges are not guessy nor too complex, while there are something to learn. Very cool.