Voting ended at: April 20, 2020, 6 a.m.
Weight after voting: 24.83 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 d4rkoob Good CTF
25 slopey good
21 chitkara.abhi amazing
24 _k0imet Challenging
25 streaker_rules nice ctf
25 SkyLance excellent ctf
25 Heichou Really beatiful ctf
25 Mugiw4r4 Great CTF
25 SirK was very fun and educating
25 master245 gr8
23 streaker_rules good
25 lnatl
25 nroot 1337
25 lionaneesh good
25 anonsurf need more crypto next time :))
25 yassinereptor nice
25 TecatechAlpha Miscs task were a real fun! Nice CTF:)
25 nosurf Great :)
25 TrvrT Had really cool web challenges
25 Al3x2 good
25 _mike_ Awesome CTF!
25 RealJammy good
25 reminthink Good
25 alphasupreme77 nice challenges
20 Catp3rson Nice CTF
25 master245 gr6
25 tahitictf l33t
25 coreflood gr8
25 DaKeiser nice ctf, could have had more challenges, but overall was nice
25 mr.roboto Great CTF, wide range of tasks, and very well balanced
25 tacopeland Very well-thought-out and puzzling
25 0mr1 Great ctf
24 ThePuzzlemaker Good CTF, a little over my skill level but otherwise fun
25 s1ngl3m4l7 well balanced difficulty
25 F055il215 :)
25 slopey great problem set
25 qpwoeirut Good, especially for first time
25 APineiro97 it is hard
25 Pr0scriptus Pretty good ctf with different difficulties. Had a lot of fun in it.
25 t0x1c2r00t entertaining challenges
25 reminthink Good
25 mleaph Good range of skills tested in the challenges. Excellent first CTF for the team.
25 Z3D good one
25 ksauceto excellent challanges, it is clear that a lot of effort has been made
25 Hexer Really great and difficult ctf, learned a lot.
25 Alexius I really enjoyed the challenges
25 m1gnus a very beautiful CTF
25 ph1nx Nice CTF
25 or523 Nice CTF
25 BlackWarriorXTN cool tasks
25 ptr-yudai well-designed tasks, no guessing, stable infra, constant support. really nice.
25 Undvik Great ctf , interesting and unique challenges.
25 ElikBelik fun ctf
25 ODG nice
25 ReverseBrain Really interesting challenges, no guessing, stable servers
25 lionaneesh nc
22 Akuma nice
25 _k0imet Great and challenging tasks ?
25 FOLKS-iwd good
25 SpiderPigXL had a blast in this ctf. learned alot :D
25 theoldmoon0602 good challenges
25 Lotus98 Very nice CTF, I liked a lot the challenges, where all super fun.
25 mephi42 thanks, orgas
25 yonlif Had a great time
25 yonlif Had a great time
25 En1gma good ctf
25 anassech132 N8ce one
25 pcback good
25 yuvaly0 extremley good challs
20 LokiGadd Nice and challenging
25 thega very funny
25 tr4kj good
25 Al3x2 good
25 H4MA good
25 wski Well organized, interesting tasks
25 im-0 nice
22 ThePuzzlemaker Good CTF, a little over my skill level but otherwise fun
25 galoget Nice CTF, interesting and entertaining challenges, some of them were pretty hard to solve.