Voting ended at: May 11, 2020, 1 a.m.
Weight after voting: 25.00 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 En1gma rev not to easy bro. :)
25 c3rb3ru5 Really good web challenges.
25 mkg Really nice ctf! Hard, fun, challenges!
25 Mem2019 The challenges are good, but some challenge requires unnecessary time-consuming work
25 patryk4815 really hard ctf :)
25 TaQini very hard but learn a lot from it
25 brainrecursion Difficult challenges but interesting
25 fredrikwekholm Difficult problems, almost all challanges were very good!
25 VoidMercy good challs
25 F055il215 :)
25 ctfhacker2020 Pretty difficult annd I learned a lot
25 TheLillo Pretty hard but all challenge were great. I hate that shitty web portal
25 datajerk Learned a few new things. Great infrastructure.
25 N00byEdge Minecraft problems are fun
25 pcback good
25 M0urn3r Nice Crypto challenges as always.
25 meowmeowxw Quality and medium/hard challenges.
25 9b07c09897f13ed77a1cef50a5ad3f nice webs
25 terjanq One more thing: Please make sure to better isolate challenges for the nex edition. We could read solutions of other teams without solving.
36 terjanq I learned some cool tricks in WEBs. Infra could be a little bit more stable and accessible, but otherwise challenges pretty good.
25 keltecc good crypto challenges
25 sampriti Awesome challenges! Some issue with infra, but overall great quality!
25 hellman Apart from the trivial bypasses for some of the crypto challenges, the challenges are of high quality.
25 mystiz Apart from the trivial bypasses for some of the crypto challenges, the challenges are of high quality.
25 R3x Awesome!
25 d90pwn Please input your player name (max: 32 bytes): yoba Hello yoba. Your UUID: 5273aa42-be23-4eaf-ae8d-af95f9c2f60d