Voting ended at: Nov. 8, 2020, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 41.60 / 42.000

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


42 olivato nice

42 LionelVB Excellent ctf

42 fsh definitely deserves to be bumped up in ctf points; wrote more general comments here:

42 voydstack Very nice CTF, challenges were quite hard but so fun :)

42 maoam Sehr gut

42 Th0m4sK lot of fun

42 nabinsademba it was hard easy and fun

42 gr33nm0nk2802 loved calculator

42 pspaul steg1 was my favorite

40 cryptax good quality, with a mix of easy and difficult challenges.

26 sp1d3r_k1ll3r Very nice selection of challenge

26 sp1d3r_k1ll3r Very nice selection of challenge

42 DummyH .

42 Sympthom Great CTF, missed forensic and stegano challenges.

42 Miaou Challenging challenges, nice ideas, nice bat ;)

42 Galile0 Great CTF with only a few downtimes for some challenges

42 RaaCT0R There was more room for crypto challenges, still, It was a great CTF

41 chinhnt2k3 Challenges are good but interface lacks show/hide solved challs

42 page2me good

42 page2me good

42 roerohan Great CTF!

42 lomik awesome quality

42 datajerk wish i had spent more time on this one (vs another at the same time), everything was first rate, +1 for lulz

42 zavinator Zajebisty CTF

42 FSE Even babypwn was very difficult for a pwn

42 m3ssap0 High quality web challenges.

42 leoluk stable and high-quality challenges, fun was had, thanks!