Voting ended at: Sept. 20, 2020, 8 p.m.
Weight after voting: 20.54 / 88.500
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
24 AnisBoss CSAW used to be a high quality CTF .. this edition got more guessy challs than ever .. beyond that there was some good challs like blox* .
25 Quintec Could've been better
55 master245 good
14 g30l4d0 Half of the webs were nice
10 poiko A few good challenges, most were too guessy and just low quality. Very disappointing compared to last year.
10 Bin4ryGh0st okayish
10 Bin4ryGh0st okayish
1 handsomeliu012 The only reason I decided to waste my time on this CTF was the high weight. I hope this won't happen again next year.
88 InersIn cool
71 Zer0Luck extremely guessy, even with the hints at times.
88 sechopgoblin enjoy it
30 Berry-95 Interesting CTF, technical issues with challenges being updated. Most challenges were far too guessy, but source later helped this a little.
6 bigpick This was disappointing, especially after hearing about how great last year apparently was
14 careless_finch For their effort.
88 Iuc kinda guessy, but satisfying
5 id01 5/5 would guess again. Looks like their rating might have glitched out, just like their challenges... Hope this year is just a COVID fluke
4 id01 5/5 would guess again. Looks like their rating might have glitched and ran out, just like their challenges... Hope this year is just a fluke
88 suppapan gg
23 RetroCraft extremely guessy, even with the hints at times.
6 DMaxter Guessy challenges
10 theoldmoon0602 guessy worse challenges / operations, but good infrastructure
1 0xd4rk Glitchy infra. Took over an hour for it to work. OK challenges, guessy. Hoping for something better next year
20 wasamasa Not the worst CTF I've played, but the guessing for the crypto and some of the web challenges was a complete waste of time.
1 usmann Super super guessy
5 gdpr.1640101411.3459c081a1a9cb Most challenges were complete wastes of time---guess or trivial (or both)
1 Aptx Just guess, and get the flag :)
20 thebongy Some guessy challenges shouldn't have been there, just wasted time
10 icemonster Messy infra. Guessy challenges, specially crypto. Some ridiculous rev challs too. Stop making people guess things. It lowers the ctf quality
1 Managarmr Changing my vote. (Earlier comments still apply + the botched extension)
50 killerdog Some very guessy challenges, and extension was a bit silly, but some good challenges too.
1 _mmunier If this was a GTF (Guess the Flag) I'd give it 100 Points
5 Ox12A0F Platform problems, too many guessing, and challenges not in the right category
44 r3yc0n1c infra could have been better, challs were good but some were guessy, admin response was great.
13 roerohan A lot of guessy challenges
80 killerdog Some guessy challenges, and extension was a bit silly, but some good challenges too
13 _HK Can do better
25 FeDEX CSAW used to be the CTF whose tasks were visited many years after. This year I only enjoyed pwnvoltex and feather.
5 zavinator Too many guessing challs, infra problems
13 disconnect3d Late start, guessy challs and extending CTF for an hour 30min before end There were good challs though: pwnvoltex, blox & feather
10 0x3C3E ezbreezy is the worst challenge of the year, overall ctf wasn't fun
1 streaker_rules left slider is not working!!
9 terjanq when you think that nothing else can go wrong because it already did, 30m before end you hear it is extended for an hour & on DISCORD only!
8 kaftejiman Disappointed as someone hitting a wall with an erection and breaking his nose
12 ret2jazzy uhh not really up to the expectation
3 vn-ki Would've given a higher rating if the orgs didn't extend the time and didn't release the binaries for blox.
20 ptr-yudai really disappointed at the terrible challenges, but pwn tasks are good except for "blox2." this 20pts is for "feather."
51 MinatoTW Some good challenges, some bad
7 BigBoost Guessy
7 RealJammy Inactive authors, mainly bad challenge quality
7 RealJammy Inactive authors, mainly bad challenge quality
10 hellman Low quality
40 mahaloz Making a great CTF on all challs, yet solvable is not easy. Guest author challs were great. Bad challs we were really bad. Decent :).
20 aziz This year's ctf had a lot of problems. I really had high hopes.Guessing Challenges. Postponed for one hour. Voting 20. Hope it gets better
1 Sud0u53r Based on last year CTF, didn't expect such guessy challenges! Really disappointed :(
26 s1r1us bad one
1 _HK Not what i expected from a quality ctf.
11 sqrtrev Rating more than 30 is insane. Almost challenge was misc and guessy
20 Eth007 too guessy, quality was not as I expected, infra kept breaking
88 Eth007 modus was a good challenge
1 En1gma rev nothing special
2 moniker interesting csaw
1 KyleForkBomb Had high hopes for this CTF, but just about everything that could go wrong in a CTF did go wrong
88 kmh11 :feather:
88 kmh11 ?
88 [deleted user] Nice chall
88 outwrest good ctf
15 karmanyaahm somewhat guessy and hints were added at random times
88 starbuucks great CTF
5 mmaekr wow, what a experience. csaw has really locked in their spot as one of the great annual ctfs with this event. dare i say ctf of the year?
10 captainGeech It was unfortunate to see such a drop in quality for a well known CTF like CSAW. Hopefully next year's game will be better.
15 jimmyl02 challenges were pretty guessy and the infra delay may have been solved by releasing the discord earlier and post the challenges there.
1 lamchcl the few challenges that did not involve guessing were about as boring as the english homework i was using this ctf to procrastinate on
10 slopey some of the challenges felt more like riddles than CTF. overall problemset quality was very low.
10 slopey some of the challenges felt more like riddles than CTF. overall problemset quality was very low.
10 dshynkev Echoing all the criticism below. Nearly total blunder.
6 pepsipu im sorry but hosting blox2 on your 5$ digital ocean droplet has given me more pain than trying to scan through a mega repo for sqli
88 arinerron actually the sanity challenge was kinda cool
1 arinerron CTFd
1 d90pwn worst CSAW competition ever. guessing challs, non correct task scoring, infra issues.. very bad
5 willwam Guessy challs, infra issues, definitely not what I was expecting for a CTF of this high weight.
1 Ptomerty Quality of the CTF was very poor compared to previous years, with very guessy challenges. Hopefully organizers can step up their game.
1 Ptomerty Quality of the CTF was very poor compared to previous years, with very guessy challenges. Hopefully organizers can step up their game.
20 soulctf This was so much worse compared to previous years
1 f4lc0n The quality of tasks is really poor, hope it gets better next year
5 etnw weight ≈ number of actually good challenges
1 greenBeans There should have been a guess category
7 greenBeans Pepegas
10 sudobash418 Couple of decent, fun challenges but most were pretty bad. Point values didn't make much sense, lots of guessing.
1 boredperson very guessy challs, only a few good ones
10 joshdabosh Some yikes challs but some good ones.
10 Agno GuessCTF
8 Sideway All categories where guessing subcategories. This ctf was not at the level of past CSAW editions. Hope it gets better next year.
10 hmmm some challs were good, but way too many guessy challs, including a stego and a osint disguised as web and another broken web chall
1 balayette Extremely guessy
60 iman4000 there is no need to make osint in web challs
15 willsroot Some of the later challs were decent, but a lot of guessing in general. Many challs were broken upon release, and infra had many issues.
10 Aplet123 Joined for rev and ended up with chall author osint and stego. The best challenges were the ones not written by the orgs
1 leedskanin worst csaw ctf ever
20 shou web challenges are indeed misc
17 Es7evam Challs in general are pretty guessy, but there are some good ones (not_malware for example). Expected more :(
25 Es7evam Challs in general are pretty guessy, but there are some good ones (not_malware for example). Expected more :(
20 mvs mvs The quality of this ctf was absolutely terrible. I hope the org can reflect about the problems and reach the same level as previous year
1 stuxn3t Guessy challenges. Hoped for wider variety and higher quality in a 59 rated CTF. Hoping next year would be good.
14 explo1t Many organization flaws, very guessy challenges and not the quality CSAW used to be. Hopefully next year will be better again.
1 hfz Awful CTF. Placing a stego challenge in reverse/web was by far the worst joke I've ever seen in a CTF. CSAW used to be cool.
10 SIben Very few good tasks; most of them involved a lot of guesswork, especially the crypto category; unclear communication. You can do better.
10 parrot I haven't seen using steghide in rev task before this event or challenge in web category without a webste. there were few good tasks btw.
1 leoluk Guessy challenges, botched last-minute deadline extension
1 mvs The quality of this ctf was absolutely terrible. I hope the org can reflect about the problems and reach the same level as previous years
10 sampriti blox1/2, feather are the only good challenges. Most other hard challenges were just made hard by adding guessing. Hope it's better next year
22 cts 3/4 challenges require guessing = 25% rating. Everyone looks forward to CSAW quals, but it was really disapopinting this year v_v :(
12 sintemal Thank you for organizing the event, hoping for better challenges in the finals! :)
1 mystiz If there is a misc category, then all of the challenges should go there.
1 R3x Guessy challenges, non responsive admins and poor infra.
9 CherryWorm Organization seemed poor this year, hints and descriptions were changed without announcement, and there was a big gap in challenge quality.
11 gdpr.1630336889.098da434eace31 a few nice challenges (i like feather), but most way too guessy. Challenges changed a lot without announcements, hints released after solve
10 Managarmr Some nice challenges, most of them pure guesswork sadly. Sad to see the quality of the challenges this year, hoping for a better next year.
1 r4j Very disappointed with the quality of tasks this year
1 r4j L