Voting ended at: July 28, 2020, 6:30 p.m.

Weight after voting: 23.67 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 redCookie Great ctf!

25 vvxhid .

24 shayden Fun beginner CTF, official write-ups were released at the end

25 ins0mnicat Nice CTF. I'm a beginner and I liked it :)

25 wraith good

11 safebull recommend

25 HacMao ggwp

25 outOfCheese nice one

22 r1su cool ctf

25 sadn1ck noice

25 titan616 xD

25 AvyChanna nice ctf

25 suppapan gg

25 vvxhid nice challenges

25 shikataganai awesome ctf

22 Unactive I enjoyed it, though last steg was pure guess

25 Anonimbus Nice ctf

25 m3t4f0r4 That's well ctf, congratulations to the organizers.

25 careless_finch nice ctf

25 gr33nm0nk2802 Enjoyed Playing this learned a lot of new things

25 jarp0l overall good ctf

24 Ouxs great ctf

22 insomn14 nice ctf

23 das. nice ctf

22 brancjh challenges were good

25 wraith good

22 skat Some fun challenges but the organizers are a mess. "bat soup" and "mein kampf," what are you thinking?

25 Mugiw4r4 good ctf

25 TheFakeS1imShady I really liked the CTF. As I am a beginner, the questions were a bit tough for me, which I totally understand.

25 0x33c0unt Forensics were steg, indeed :D

25 joel-ng Test

22 Day91 Nice CTF, a few platform problems though

19 Day91 Nice CTF, a few platform problems though

12 InersIn Good practice

25 Kahla nice ctf with good tasks

25 Alphagens Nice CTF

25 raka.kuswanto good

25 peace_ranger was beginner friendly...pwns should have been a bit harder...but considering it targeted beginners, i would say thats okayyyy

25 Folcoxx good ctf

25 t1016d Too many OSINT. Pwns are too easy(even the hardest one). Voting the weight for 25/100, not 25/25.

25 codeskill Nice challenges!

25 xxc3nsoredxx Wave one was really easy, but wave two brought in some real pickles

25 wongyos Very good event

25 Al3x2 nice

25 sauravmh gg peeps

25 @clnr

5 TexanElite Very guessy CTF

25 y4y overall quality is nice except some unnecessary ones.

25 Jord4563 Very good CTF, challs were great, admins were helpful, infra was good! Thanks for an awesome CTF!

25 Nowne Nice mid-level CTF

25 layka_ Nice challs!

3 hmmm named 2 challs "bat soup" and "mein kampf"'; infra failed in last hr and admins had incoherent response to this; some challs were guessy

25 clauncher cool!

25 happymondays nice challs

13 profiluefter Some very guessy challenges

25 ADifferentPerson Good CTF, had fun

23 z3ro beginner friendly....need guessing for few challenges

25 TheF1ash Excellent CTF

25 oniisama fun ctf. beginner friendly

25 xiongnemo gg

25 abhay gg

25 SaltanatNaibi Great Event

23 Pork Good CTF, but a bit of guessing.

25 killerdog nice range of challenge difficulty

25 Rb916120 Great event

25 ret2basic Great!

25 iman4000 good intermediate ctf

25 vidner good ctf

25 outwrest very good

25 bcmp fun challs

24 deomkicer good. but the last forensic is too much guessy

25 nickloop Cool

25 preyas.sinha14 Yes

25 Bin4ryGh0st Nice and beginner friendly CTF

25 foxy-proxy nice ctf got to learn a lot,

25 robotsquid good ctf but a bit guessy

24 insomn14 Great CTF

25 suppapan gg

25 s4ura5X1 very fun ctf

1 warlock_rootx final forensic need super guess work.some web challenge is good but the SSTI not good,and main reason live score and ctftime score different

25 SpaceSprinkles Really good CTF

25 JanKruse Nice challenges

25 stankc Had fun, nice ctf!

25 petushok The CTF was well organized and the challenges were pretty fun overall, especially the HTB wargame.

25 NZT Well organized and responsible admins. Regula challs

25 chenx3n This was a very well organized CTF comptetion. The challenges' difficulty were, as promised, ranging from easy to intermediate.

25 vibonacci nice

25 kaelanalysis very nice challenge

25 blacowhait nice ctf

25 Midnight_Myth Very nice CTF and good for beginners

25 Aclostael definitely a great ctf where the challenges are not a "guessing game"

25 Spam very enjoyable ctf with some original challenges

25 s-3ntinel Well organized, nice challenges

25 remon535 Nice ctf

25 HashingRoll good for beginners

25 En1gma nice ctf !!!

25 joel-ng Great CTF

25 ataysec Good job

25 Mr_Ghost Good ctf and learnt lot form challenge

25 Flab-E Great event! Learnt a lot!

25 Wrth Good challenges

25 VikedJoker Nice CTF. Good range from beginner to intermediate challenges.Infra was decent and well maintained.

23 white_wolf Good ctf but one thing is Most authors didn't helped in even flag sanity so please consider this in future.

25 Z3r0D4y Greate Event

25 e11i0t_ Really Good CTF

25 Citizen_142141 Good challenges

25 tehdisko Awesome

25 _MB_ Nice CTF. Good challenges. Near perfect infrastructure. Responsible and creative staffs

25 Mudu nice one

25 Mr.Happy Good challenge

25 H4MA nice CTF but in your eyes is a guessy chal you should not make tasks like that one in the future

25 f4r4w4y Nice challenges

25 Nexerna Great event, good challenges

25 H4MA ..

25 INXS_JOY csictf{b34ut1ful_ctf}

25 vishalananth Really good CTF, had challenges with varying difficulty levels, Organizers were very responsive :)

4 JC01010 named a chal "bat soup" in reference to the chinese remainder theorem and another one "Mein Kampf" but overall decent chals

25 5aint2ero Good CTF. Beginner friendly but also challenging.

25 GSri30 4m4z1ng!!

25 rawnyogn nice beginner ctf

25 fruitfulBrute Very similar to picoCTF. Had an extensive range of problems. Looking forward to the next edition!

25 4n0nym4u5 Good challenges.

25 J33735H nice intermediate challenges

25 Ditooo enjoy this ctf

25 karma9874 nice ctf

25 0xSamu good ctf.

25 Cryptal_Clear Enjoyed it thoroughly. Great work

25 iqno Good range of challenges, ctf was great for beginners and intermediate level as intended!

25 [deleted user] nice ctf

25 DaKeiser Amazing CTF, nice challenges.

25 DMaxter Begginer but funny and nicely done

25 RageKnify Fun intro challenges, org gave official write-ups as soon as the CTF ended.

25 Isopach Guessing required to get max points, but overall a good beginner-intermediate ctf, as advertised