Voting ended at: Aug. 7, 2021, 4 p.m.

Weight after voting: 48.20 / 54.000

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


54 concolicC Double miff is solved

25 defund can't reward ctfs that don't know whether their challs are solvable (lower, double miff). willing to rescore if admins respond

54 josephsurin very good difficulty range and fun challenges. shouldn't update challs to make them easier/not infeasible (should be feasible to begin with)

54 dfyz Great challenges for various skill levels. Both crypto wizards (i.e., my teammate) and crypto newbs (i.e., me) had fun.

54 icemonster Excellent challenges. More than usual unintended solutions though (from the flags messages), so the challs needed a bit more testing

54 rkm0959 while more work should be done testing the challenges, still a solid CTF that deserves > 50

54 layka_ I enjoyed it

54 R1ad Great ctf