TI-1337 Nspire 270 pyjail 0
Jason 180 cookies csrf web 1
lambda lambda 130 rev 2
nomnomnom 130 web 5
Jar 70 web pickle 6
Ekans 250 flask web pickle 0 150 flask web json 3
Snake 240 pickle python misc 0
Sea of Quills 2 160 5
sosig 70 4
Relatively Simple Algorithm 40 crypto 3
Keysar v2 40 crypto 5
Exclusive Cipher 40 7
Revex 75 4
Fish 60 4
Thunderbolt 200 crypto 1
Archaic 50 misc 7
Oracle of Blair 160 crypto 4
Follow the Currents 70 crypto 5
Home Rolled Crypto 70 crypto 4
Float on 130 misc 5
Spoofy 160 web spoofing 6
Jailbreak 75 reverse 4
Circle of Trust 100 crypto 4
Sea of Quills 70 web sqli 8
RAIId Shadow Legends pwn 2
stickystacks pwn 4
Sanity Checks 80 pwn 7
Tranquil 70 pwn 8
Secure Login pwn 5
FREE FLAGS!!1!! 50 re 6
Watered Down Watermark as a Service 240 ssrf web 1
I'm so random 100 prng crypto 4
Dysfunctional 155 functional programming rev 1
uql 250 cpp heap pwn 2
wallstreet 210 format-string pwn 1
pawn 200 pwn heap 2
Substitution 130 crypto 6
Infinity Gauntlet 75 rev 6
Flag Submission Server 100 rev 1
carpal tunnel syndrome 300 pwn 1