Voting ended at: Aug. 1, 2021, 10 a.m.

Weight after voting: 43.92 / 49.980

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


49 vicallan57 Good challenge

36 chuj want more pwn challenge

49 xtal_root nice

49 chenx3n Pretty challenging and innovative tasks as usual

43 anonymans Great ctf, learned a lot from it, the challenges I played were very fun except of challenge Walker, the worst.

42 Q7_ Nice CTF, but some challenges are guessy

45 Anthares101 Cool tasks

40 parrot some guessy tasks. localhost and buggyTextEditor were cool. 40 is enough.

49 HenryRozenttag Good tasks

37 umfc норм

43 mikop63 Nice event

41 xferno Some tasks were useless but platform is good

39 dalemazza Nice event

37 dalemazza Nice event.

44 sqrtrev - some pts because of last guessy challenge.

49 Slonser wonderful event!

40 drop gg