Voting ended at: July 12, 2021, 2 a.m.
Weight after voting: 100.00 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
100 dm.. it was fun
100 Redford great, as always!
100 hgarrereyn nice rev!
100 parrot Awesome
100 hustcw1998 Fabulous!
100 y12uN Awesome CTF
100 poiko oh yes
100 Riatre Congratulations on making a very-well balanced, diverse, challenging, fun, zajebisty, and the first ever 96-hours-worthy CTF.
100 Nspace Really hard but also really good!
100 icssword nice
100 ptr-yudai hen hao
100 4n0nym4u5 Hard :/
100 MtSaka nice
100 vient nice rev
100 s1r1us next level web
100 cylin very good
100 rebirthwyw nice challenge