Voting ended at: Aug. 22, 2021, 1:30 p.m.
Weight after voting: 54.81 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
1 AvyChanna Incorrect chall(crypto:tabula-recta by), no crypto writeup. The author is MIA on discord, could not explain his/her own chall solution.
50 s1r1us webs are ok for 25-50 weight CTF but not 100.
75 Cf1904@s Very good. Lots of good challenges.
10 maniex rev was ok (not bad but not a plus), crypto was really bad
90 Dr.DONN4 Forensics was really good
70 Bonus The good: not seen often categories, often fun challenges, The bad: sometimes guessy/multistage. It's not worth 100pts, but 70 is ok
50 parrot enjoyable ctf, good webs but were not hard enough imo. jspwn was fun!
70 kubolos231 Web was decent
80 IxZ1412 great!
15 TheBlueflame121 Crypto was a complete waste of time
25 Mr.Happy downloading forensics files is pain,must reduce number of questions per challs, better increase number of challs instead
42 x0r19x91 OK. Revs were good. Forensics was not expected to be guessy
40 crazyman forensics and pentest is guessing,not like it
100 Nitros__ Good one
80 aseng InCTF always got some interesting DFIR challenges <3
56 X3eRo0 Pwns were good can't say the same about reversing
30 r3yc0n1c infra was stable and admin support was good but the quality of the challenges(especially crypto) has dropped drastically!
71 Sup3r_B3ttl3_G4m3r Crypto was… strange
83 Sup3r_B3ttl3_G4m3r A
10 pcw109550 Tabula Recta같은 문제는 내지 말아주세요! 100점 준 사람이 많으니까 전 10점 드리겠습니다.
95 sangjun good
5 pedroysb Tabula Recta: "most" or 75% of all the passwords = 1 password
1 rbtree I think this CTF does not deserve this weight. About people who voted 100, have you ever played ctf with weight >=100?
1 rbtree The worst crypto, bad reversing, forensics/network pentest with guessing. I can definitely say this, because we solved all of them.
100 bhsec A great ctf and with great content. A thums up to all contributors. Please make it 3 day ctf from next time :)
45 1GN1tE Just "ok"
100 Renwa Web was great
100 Blupper Tough, little jank, but very fun
100 Kaiziron
30 AvyChanna Ahh yes.Where the words 'most' and '75%' means 1/20 (crypto:tabula-recta). Bad crypto overall.Poorly tested challenges(unintended solutions)
48 r4j not as good as past years but pwns were fine
13 mystiz Unexpected quality compared to past years.
100 Maher Good ctf
50 ptr-yudai forensics,pentest were too guessy / pwn looked fine but had many unintended bugs / infra was good / support was good too
52 sqrtrev Not that bad
30 rkm0959 subpar crypto