Voting ended at: June 20, 2021, 2 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.00 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 n1ghtmar3 Nice

25 meispi Quite hard

25 Mr.R00T Nice

25 Grillette Nice CTF

25 37hG3rm4n Nice CTF!

24 ElliotM87 Wide variety of challenges

25 reAether Good CTF with different difficulty levels

24 0xD20 Great cTF

25 Jopraveen Gud

25 Joytide Nice CTF, not too much guesswork and a wide variety of categories!

25 0xARK very good ctf !

25 Erarnitox had interesting challenges. Was not too easy at all but had solvable challenges. Little guesswork involved. Was very fun to play

25 express it's was very cool

25 MathisHammel Great CTF, enjoyed playing.

25 n1ghtmar3 Nice One

25 NoobHacker9999 Good CTF, difficulty level was insane.

13 marufmurtuza Not suitable for newbies at all.

25 blu3b33s good ctf

25 ElliotM87 Wide variety of challenges

25 DiegoAltF4 great CTF

25 kusok GG

25 C0deH4cker fun

25 kjcolley7 Fun CTF with great challenges of various categories and difficulty levels. Not guessy. CRAPS challenges were awesome, custom emulator ftw!

25 MtSaka great

25 wongyos good

25 BitFriends Fun ctf

25 clauncher cool

25 Itz_me_strikerr yeah

20 icssword Not bad.

25 37hG3rm4n Nice CTF

18 deltaclock Some challs were good, some others, very bad. Very good prizes! Infra needs to be a bit more stable

25 mk7120 good one

25 0xAr7hur very good one

25 xbowery great ctf

25 clauncher cool

25 c0d3_br3ak3r nice one

25 Baloo Great CTF, hard challenges, great uptime and no issues during the event

25 whoami730 Awesome ctf, difficult challenges; loved the crypto!

25 nobodyisnobody_ good ctf

22 Zeynarz Moderate difficulty

25 raka.kuswanto thanks