Voting ended at: Nov. 15, 2021, midnight

Weight after voting: 32.76 / 36.645

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


33 kh0kh0 great ctf. too much OSINT tho

36 Dexter192 Quite some difficult challenges

36 dobob Pretty Awesome CTF!

36 l0st_idi0t Nice

36 shawking jj

36 0x0e6869 devl

36 6cyril Nice ctf

36 victim1307 :)

36 fenomp Had fun with this CTF, I was interested in malware challanges

36 delvinru nice ctf

36 zhsh Great CTF

30 K4L1 I liked this CTF a lot

15 melz pretty tough challenges, but I definitely learned alot! :)

36 0x34 Good ctf, had some great challanges. A lot were pretty tough, but really rewarding when you solved them.

36 MACs_Headroom Great event, wide range of challenges, most in the medium or above range. Most interesting OSINT/forensics chals I've ever seen in a CTF.

24 ripperd0c fun challenges

32 yelenz ok.

36 Yewolf CTF went well, no major issue, challenges for mid to high level

30 Bathman Fun CTF think I could had solved a lot more if I had a day more

36 Nissen Very well thought out CTF - great challenges, amazing infra, no issues at all

36 Polarcell Nice fun CTF, Loved the OSINT

36 Polarcell Nice fun CTF

36 voidPtr Nice ctf, fun challenges, balanced for new and experienced people

36 Hippiie Good CTF, I loved the OSINT part, really interesting challenges

36 Eurus really good ctf

25 VelesV it was ok

36 ignis Great mid to high level ctf

36 exo Nice ctf

36 hackerbecker pretty nice challenges

36 Ooggle Really fun CTF, pwn was pretty hard but good! MISC has original challenges.

30 SkyMas :)

36 kh0kh0 Great event. OSINT tasks were boring bu everuting else grrat

36 0xsakthi Good

36 you_irl a frEAKING well done event by frEAKING cool people who go to a frEAKING amazing school

30 qxxxb good crypto and pwn, guessy misc and web

30 samuzora Fun CTF, friendly and transparent admins, fresh challenges... only 2 web though

36 AndyNovo Wonderful challenges, good admins, and after the start the infra worked perfectly

28 anassnaqqad I learnt a lot from this CTF.

28 ndrewh some infra issues; guessy (and over-weighted) misc category. pwn was pretty good

19 ashiri Good challenges, perhaps overweighted by osint problems.

36 morph3 really good ctf

36 you_irl a fREAKING well done event by fREAKING cool people who go to a fREAKING amazing school

28 morph3 really good ctf, difficulty was slightly above medium.

36 hofill amazing ctf! the challenges were really good and the infra stable