3Dangerous Commute 497 maze misc minesweeper 0
Mowhock 500 crypto chaos logistic-map 0
HADIOR 500 oracle hamming-distance crypto dsa 1
Game of Secrets 500 game-of-life crypto 1
Shrine of the Sweating Buddha 500 blinding paillier crypto 1
Tick Tock 496 number-theory clock-group dlp crypto 1
Total Encryption 500 coppersmith timestamps crypto franklin-reiter rsa 1
1-800-758-6237 437 nonce-reuse aes-ctr crypto leak 1
Ain't no Mountain High Enough 500 hill-cipher linear-algebra crypto 1
Cozzmic Dizzcovery 499 xor crypto fuzzing 1
Objection! 500 crypto domain-injection dsa 1
Beecryption 500 linearization crypto affine 1
Poly Expo go BRRRRR 494 polynomial crypto rsa 1
Poly-Proof 490 polynomial crypto 1
lightningrod 499 rev 1
BogoAttack 446 algorithms misc 1
Easy Kernel 500 rop pwn kernel 1
Rasm 500 rev 1
Recurso 500 rev vm 1
silent-ROP 483 pwn 1
on_the_hook 461 pwn fsb 2
Bogo Solve 258 pwntools python 1
badseed 212 pwn 3
Zabomb 100 rev 2
Non-Square Freedom 2 490 crypto rsa 2
Non-Square Freedom 1 465 crypto rsa 2
gradebook 454 pwn tcache heap-overflow 2
Integirty Checker 471 reverseengineering re java 2
Pascal RSA 100 crypto rsa 1
Vieta's Poly 100 pwn python 2
Twizzty Buzzinezz 100 python xor 3
K3RN3L DROID 100 assembly 5
3in1 100 aes audacity sha256 2