Voting ended at: Oct. 17, 2021, 9:59 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.45 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 sn1per very good

25 Jopraveen nice

25 bteam

25 Noxy_proxy k

25 valid22 Good ctf

25 r3yc0n1c |>

23 vrls Didactic challenges and active support in discord

25 wi11_ good

25 stucky very good ctf

25 holypower777 muy bueno

25 walrus1 great challenges

25 sn1per very good ctf

25 37hG3rm4n Nice CTF!

25 0x41head Fun CTF. Good Challenges !

25 devploit No comments

25 erikkabir hard

25 Ret2Me Nice CTF with a pretty website and good technical challenges

25 trainyinfosec good tasks and infra

25 lambangwijayadi cool

24 Po4est i like it

25 neewek I really enjoyed the Japan tour.

25 N34R nice

25 satranfah001 great ctf , i have very fun

25 runrun fun and beneficial

25 saspect great ctf

15 saspect great ctf

25 floatingbrij great ctf, good forensics & osint

25 Corrupted_Protocols Noice

25 comrade Love the challenges

25 ValleForPresident very good CTF! didn't like hints for points, i would also like

25 clauncher cool

25 clauncher cool

25 ph1nx nice ctf

25 Black-Fox ni

25 Black-Fox ni

25 Th0m4sK cool CTF

20 Hihihaha Very focused challenges

25 blackm1nd good ctf

25 Br0ken CTF muito bom

25 c0nf1k3rrr Gostei muito do CTF pelos desafios que abordam técnicas básicas

25 DocteurPizza Really fun

25 ElliotM87 Amazing

25 xNULL Loved it

25 hexkn1ght Nice one

25 aseng Love the challenges! Those are good qualities ^0^, keep it up for the next one.

25 cyberpj ?noice

10 Groon1k good

25 Masquerade Good ctf

25 zea1ot Really good experience.

25 alvarodh5 Nice one!

25 alihv Nice!

25 HackerOne fantastic

25 andreas_ Great CTF with lots of fun challenges!

25 Nitros__ good one

25 kartibok Great CTF with an excellent range of challenges and categories.

25 0xOv3r_H4uL Nice one!

25 stankc Had fun,nice!

25 10vexh good

25 Leslato Not a realy Hard ctf but realy fun!

20 uvicorn not bad, but it could be better

25 binLep nice CTF

25 sociallyencrypted Top Tier OSINT challenges, interesting Steganography challs and 0x0elliot's amazing web challs. Definitely an amazing CTF!

25 0x033c So interesting challenges, but need to decrease osint chall points.

25 0x033c so interesting challenges

25 Xan0er I really enjoyed the Japan tour. Awesome CTF!

25 dancing.pickle Good fun

25 Illus Very good OSINT challenges

25 0xsakthi Awesome

25 UVvirus noice

25 NagendranGS Cool Challenges✌

25 Jopraveen Nice CTF <3

25 Itz_me_strikerr Great CTF man for osint it feels like we really went for a tour in japan

25 BankRPCA Good

25 mumuzi lots of challenges.I feel very gooooooood.its a great CTF

25 dacat_ lots of range of challenges, stuff stayed online, good job!

25 Xayn Realy cool, much woaw

25 warlock_rootx nice ctf.I liked the ssh decoder challenge

25 Vaints It's a great CTF. 10/10 for the Challenges Quality. Smexy Infra. ^ -^)b

25 _k0imet cool challs

25 Oboy nice one

25 OfficialBenko Amazing ctf! More Web Challenges next time please :)

25 Khonsu Really nice and refreshing CTF

25 yelenz Bestest

25 yelenz Best