Voting ended at: Dec. 31, 2021, 2 p.m.
Weight after voting: 24.70 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 junron great challenges!
25 idekJT flacko is the man
25 DiegoAltF4 great!
25 dorianr Great CTF, fun challenges
25 harmatz.y Great ctf
25 idofran Awesome CTF! Great work :)
18 DicksonYCT UI Design need a rework! Otherwise is nice
25 Hellsender Good
22 sahuang Great challenges, infra has some issue and spending too much time on a chall only because the problem is wrong.
25 BaadMaro Nice challenges sadly 0 solves for me (close to solve haiku)
25 pun1sher NIce challs
25 littlewho Great challenges!
25 phlox Interesting challs
25 Leoo Amazing ctf!
25 ashiri Good complex, multi-layered challs. Could've used more time.