Voting ended at: March 28, 2022, 10:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 22.69 / 31.185

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


31 Bornunique911 Awesome CTF and it's awesome to explore new things about Threat Royale Challenge of CloudSEK team by using bevigil product of them.

25 Artist challenges were very good

1 deNableD 0xguessg0d

25 r3yc0n1c little bit of guessing + no pwn + little bit of laggy infar, otherwise admin support and some challenges were good enough

25 Ajai Good ctf

31 wongyos Good

1 killall @neilk do you know what is forensic and steg? noob

1 killall @neilk Steg have forensic? no. Forensic has steg, forensic is steg, no digital forensic chall

31 An5fr3d Was a great CTF, enjoyed participating in it...

31 N34R n

26 neilk guessy + steg at end of every question including forensics for some reason. apart from that it was fine.

31 arkiix good ctf

4 Kashmir54 Too much guess. 2-3 beginner web and forensic challs. No "owasp" on rockyou, then you cant crack JWT, that's the lvl

1 streaker_rules .

24 MOR14R7Y steg and misc can be less, no pwn which kinda sucked but decent i guess

24 MOR14R7Y steg and misc can be less, no pwn which kinda sucked but decent i guess

31 casmpy more

20 aryanbharadiyak2006 was nice but challenges where alot guessy

31 g3nj1z hard

25 anonking64 Hard

31 tiennvhe163008 hard

1 Ariyan n

15 ohCoz Way too guessy and overly saturated in stego and ciphers across the board. Mod's didn't provide constructive help. only "try harder"

12 jaydens A lot of the challenges were guessy, overall it was ok.

15 ssaadakhtarr The challenges were both beginner friendly to advance. And it was a great experience on our behalf.

31 Seifallah1 fun

28 j4mal Was fun!

12 Sant268 Guessy challenges, but good

3 jaydens Majority of challenges were guessy.

31 53jk1 Very cool ctf

18 j3seer not bad just guessy challenges

24 raik199x Enjoyed playing and learned something new =)

23 jrke A varied level CTF great!

27 martimpostor Nice CTF, learnt something ad had lots of fun!

31 fluxRED24 good infra + nice challs + amazing & helpful mods n admins n rest of the team

31 b1ack_c0de Enjoyed!

31 Khonsu Some guessy/unclear challenges but also many interesting and cool challs with nice mods and a good infra overall. Thanks for this nice CTF !

31 Aftab700 good!

21 0xs0m good CTF

1 snydej2 CTF was not fun. Low quality challenges. I threw away a whole day just for the sake of CTFtime points.This ctf should not be worth 10 at max

28 gayatri Wonderful CTF, admins were also very supportive :))

12 seennpaaaiiiii good CTF....... All problems write-ups will be helpful for us in future

2 tasarmays little tougher, and osint is full complex to think ,mixing of steg and decode inside , little harder to think

31 cia.b1ack_e66 Wired verification method!!!!

31 Cynthia Some challenges were very good, especially from web category - I have learned a lot doing them

18 HDhotdog Some fun challenges, but please use the flag format otherwise it gets very guessy

31 lucky624 better than last event )

31 5up3r541y4n Good CTF, bit guessy

16 vincentscode a lot of guessing involved but some fun challenges

20 MikeCoder96 Good reverse tasks

27 giovixo97 nice ctf :)

31 qualorm Very nice challenges, there was very little guessing involved. Learned a lot!

31 underpotat0 Good tasks

28 DimaZzZz101 Really good CTF, Learnt many new and interesting things, waiting writeups!))

29 Spardoks Very empressive

23 Spardoks Really imressive

1 aidenpearce369 Could have done better, challs describe the quality of the event. Hope you guys will make your future event better.

1 Godson Full Guessy CTF. Wasted 2 days and learned how to guess hard. Maybe FEW web chals are good for new players. Osint, Steg , Rev are Worst.

31 cadsumi Nice ctf.

31 G0d_0f_D34th Learnt many new and interesting things!!

1 Jopraveen It's first important for you guys to learn what cyber security is and what ctf categories are

1 Jopraveen I should have skipped this ctf, A lot of silly guessing challs.

1 cyberpj Sorry guys , ? you guys did a great job in making pure gussy challs ! .vishwaCTF{wtf}

1 Corrupted_Protocols Many unfair advantages given to certain teams.

25 cycoslave Very good challenges all around

31 Jakom a really good set of challenges.

1 Vyshak Lots of guessy and ridiculous challenges, useless hints which we need to pay with points and unhelpful moderators. "COMPLETE BULLSHIT"

10 Rosee CTF GUESS

2 QueTeDesbordenMariPila guessing osint task (most without any solve) that surprisily involves more stego inside, task stealled from others CTFs [cont]

31 gdpr.1655660387.3960c711a0fdfd good orgs

2 QueTeDesbordenMariPila Crypto was a guess the cipher that was used + some stego , 6 stego challs , shit forensics that are basically stego again, [cont]

17 Vozec guessing

31 voidPtr bad challs, guessy steps, useles paid hints,madmin not helping even for basic questions. Even the flag format was different between challs

31 Ayweth20 A bit hard but very sympatic

1 Itz_me_strikerr Go fuck yourselves guys who voted more than 1.. Greedy piece of shit !voting for rating points.. The Worst ctf i played in my life..

25 Roellik Some very decent challenges were distracted from by vague/hastily written challenge descriptions and guess the Dcode cipher tasks.

30 SHAOCHI_LU good

30 AlienX learned a lot in RE a few of RE and WEB were guessy, and half of the crypto was guessy

31 zMeHigh Nice challenges

31 5up3r541y4n Good challenges but hard and guessy

31 Sh1n got to learn some new stuff, so it was a good experience

31 Arrow Very well organised. Very few challenges required a little bit of guessing but the challenges were very cool overall!

31 comrade enjoyed the reverse challenges.

31 reichsstolz Great challs

25 serioton Cipher The Flag

31 tiennvhe163008 hard

31 realexp3rt a bit guessy, but overall fun!

31 1vcian guessy af

31 Leoo Fun ctf, many too guessy challenges but it was alright. Next time pls no paid hints