Voting ended at: March 7, 2022, 6:29 p.m.

Weight after voting: 26.33 / 28.815

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


28 Nitros__ good

28 ChilledSodium nice ctf but web challenges where a bit too !difficult :(

28 ming119 good ctf

28 Leslato nice ctf but tooooooo easyyyyyyyyyyyyy web challenges

28 nosurf Good CTF, had fun

28 neilk was an alright CTF, kinda guessy and more rev/pwn was needed

28 neilk was an alright CTF, kinda guessy and more rev/pw

12 snydej2 Challenges were guessy. BS such as an image with the flag where you can't tell O from 0 and you get only 10 tries to figure out what's wrong

28 Leslato nice ctf

28 icssword Nice ctf

28 Sant268 Good challenges, needed a bit more on the pwn/forensic side

24 Al1enX decent

28 SHAOCHI_LU good ctf game

28 Jopraveen next time add some pwns and more revs