Voting ended at: April 2, 2022, 3 p.m.

Weight after voting: 19.36 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Hellsender1 Good

25 wi11_ Nice CTF

15 gr007 The ctf was fun and challenging for beginners and also covered a lot of topics. Our team learned a lot. Thanks for this ctf.

25 satranfah001 good ctf

25 leonuz Nice CTF

23 seennpaaaiiiii Excellent CTF

25 HackerOne Excellent

25 0xR1st0 good ctf

22 realexp3rt .

18 iranari Good

25 arkiix Good

21 dobob For Beginners CTF

13 __diko good

25 b3rcut7 for begginers

25 Nitros__ good

1 vincentscode all challs were copied

25 vl4ddy Nice CTF

1 canopus all challs were copied, a good experience for beginners but still not worthy of a good rating

25 erikkabir high quality

25 RJCyber Although many challenges from other CTFs were used, they were credited by the organizer. Also, 1 organizer managed a 5-DAY CTF! Great effort

1 R1D3R175 Basically an OSINT for write-ups


25 D4rkHax0r good

25 rrhhorh fun and good for beginners

25 xryuseix Very Good CTF

25 tiennvhe163008 nice

18 Lazzaro beginner friendly

25 Lazzaro beginner friendly

25 y0ung_dst nice CTF, it was enjoyable despite the few bugs at the beginning and the lack of originality.. !

25 sos1somba beginner friendly

2 Sant268 Low quality

1 QueTeDesbordenMariPila Truly a shame to vote 25 of weigth to a CTF where almost all task were stealed, nice job ctf comunity, seriously nice job

1 QueTeDesbordenMariPila Wtf are the people voting? All task were stealed from at least another 3 CTFs, enjoy free points voting 25 xd

25 Whi73W01f Good

25 erikkabir Good Challenges

25 sudlit good

25 tiennvhe163008 nice

25 icssword nice ctf, really basic challs

25 leonuz Nice CTF, beginner friendly

25 Wraith0p Interestinggggg!!

25 RAR_VIRUS good

25 wi11_ Really amazing CTF!

25 mirth599 good ctf competition

22 Artist challenges were good

21 rrhhorh It was enjoyable and has a good range of challenges!

25 sn1per good ctf

25 37hG3rm4n Great CTF for beginner!

25 neilk voting good because the organizer is cool and he really did try his best

25 nosurf For a first time CTF that was organised and run by just one person over 5 days, it was a great CTF

25 sos1somba repeat mother study

1 larsw Scandal! Mostly stolen/non-attributed challs (deadcode etc.) or provided IN-GAME by a participant! An absolute train wreck.

25 TheDeadBeef gg

25 wongyos Good CTF

1 sahuang low quality cpy pasta ctf

25 p4w n1

25 RJCyber Had lots of fun!

25 Hellsender1 Good

25 plue__ Learn something new from this CTF

25 Leoo Really amazing ctf! Challenges were nice (most copied but also some own ones) and the organize really did his best :)