Voting ended at: June 17, 2022, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 41.05 / 47.790

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


44 cnw@ngjihe Awesome, enjoy a lot, have a reasonable difficulty setting.

47 t0mbombadil Fun challenges, with entry level warmup

40 d1l3mm4 Nice challs, varied enough and not guessy

47 Radewoosh my first ctf, awesome, great problems

47 larrypir2 ^

3 sahuang Balancing the rating. +good quality chals+stable infra-too much maths-organize is really in chaos

47 altareen Awesome CTF!

42 jp440 Good job, thanks for organizing this.

30 S3v3nt33n good challenges

47 kabinet Good ctf

47 AMF Good and fun challenges that was diffrent from standard CTF's

47 uvicorn Fun web

45 sf_t4ng0 Great challenges!

47 Angmar Good crypto

36 ParallaxKnight NO pwn

47 siphyshu Very well organized CTF. It made me realize that I suck at math. :)

45 hackyeaster Great challenges!

47 RezaSi Really enjoy it, great event

47 ChilledSodium Nice CTF had fun playing the challenges.

25 stuckin414141 Where is the pwn????

47 lamchcl vault


42 daevii Crypto and algo 10/10 on uniqueness, difficulty, and fun, PoW was annoying sometimes and failed a little but still overall great event