Voting ended at: July 28, 2022, 3 p.m.
Weight after voting: 12.23 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
5 NoobMaster9999 copied challenges,random base58 encoding challenges,admins promised pwn challenges but they just kept us waiting,removed challenges mid-ctf
5 hvn The only enjoyable thing is the "find the masterpiece" challenge, which solved by a piano. Everything else is so bad.
13 circlebytes quite guessing ctf
1 nielsing plagiarism
1 Binary31 You guys should have maintained ethics, specially when you included country name. At least, you owe an apology for this shameful act.
25 tiennvhe163008 nice
3 serioton Just so bad
1 QueTeDesbordenMariPila Stolen challenges. Guessy stego, osint
25 xenon Better than previous! Great works Knights!!! Enjoyed network challenges
1 TheBadGod excellent if you like reused challenges, the most basic ~~crypto~~ encodings and looking at http 500 errors
25 sos1somba noice
20 neewek could be better
20 PeaceRanger Kudos to organizers.
25 b1ack_c0de Better than previous! Great works Knights!!! Enjoyed network challenges
25 varnokk Some, problem with server, but tasks are good
1 iCiaran Plagiarised/reused challs. Independent challs locked behind others. Descriptions unclear/wrong. Max attempts added/points changed mid ctf.
1 Radewoosh Challenges trivial, stolen or incorrect. Website kept not responding.
25 SHAOCHI_LU It's better than last time "Knight CTF" the team have a great improvement!!!
1 kpdfgo plagiarized, broken, and/or seemingly untested challenges. lack of communication throughout the ctf.
5 mumuzi B A D
5 gdpr.1712197519.eb746c9a670492 bad support, easy pwn, repeat web.
1 j3seer bad guessy challenges / rlly bad infra
25 KabirAcharya Some challenges were nice. Very beginner friendly but organisers need to stop reusing challenges from previous CTFs.
25 lwahch Good networking challenge
25 HurayraIIT Its nice.
15 leonuz Good CTF, It needs to improve, they should have a better quality control so that the WEB challenges are not repeated.
5 xSagi Easy, repeated challenges and a lot of guessing.
8 CryptoSec26 dynamic challenge description, misconfigured plagiarized challenges, improper communication, unexpected contest-time policies
25 GutiBaba Joss
25 GutiBaba Quite nice
1 Cli-ish Guessy, needs a lot of improvment.
15 DnyyGzd Need to be improved. Constant 500 and re-login.
1 wski Authors copied challenges from other CTF saying they are their own challenges and never agreed to acknowladge it was plagiarism
1 CalamariDude broken ctf, weight should be low or uncounted
25 sudlit cannot run binary file -.-
1 Yitzhakpro broken challenges, in some chall and get root and destory experience for other players
10 sellafieldguy Sour tasting CTF.
25 Whi73W01f need to be improved
1 Robin_Jadoul Plagiarism, broken challenges, guessy challenges, ...; Admins improved some stuff along the way, but see gynvael's comment on the event page
25 h0RST_PL Good
25 MrNo0ne It could have been better.I hope next year's would be better organised
25 dariakhaetskaya Ok for beginners
25 KeepHowling Stego-wtf
25 isHaacK it was ok
5 Okami reused/stolen challs, guessy stego, wrong solution
8 varnokk Normal
13 @n0s meh, quite good
1 cx18 definition of a clownfest
25 wongyos Good
25 HackerOne Excellent
1 rabbitsthecat bruh
5 kukuxumushi Stolen challenges. Guessy stego, osint. Constant 500 on the scoreboard. Score and limits changes during CTF. Stupid tasks.
1 KyleForkBomb stole many challenges, inaction with irrefutable evidence, only one removed, no apology; other issues can be forgiven, but not plagiarism