Voting ended at: July 31, 2022, 6 p.m.

Weight after voting: 57.75 / 71.655

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


60 Ice1187 Good ctf

69 rabbitsthecat nice

71 Xenonminer good challenges

64 s0ra Fun CTF overall!!!

71 G0d_0f_D34th Nice CTF!

50 face0xff good

60 devgianlu nice challenges from easy to hard, lots of original stuff

60 Raf_Square

55 nasm Nice pwn challenges

50 sahuang Very decent set of challenges, high quality with medium level difficulty. I think it is fair to give a 50 for overall difficulty :)

52 BrunoModificato The challenges were good and not guessy at all, it was very well balanced with beginner friendly challenges and hard challenges

31 jnovikov A lot of easy challenges, not very balanced, also some tasks environment was different prod/local, some tasks had unintended solutions