Voting ended at: April 2, 2023, midnight

Weight after voting: 49.10 / 52.500

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


52 bliutech Fun CTF! Nice range of web challenges.

52 zeosutt Excellent and difficult challenges. I really enjoyed. A few challenge categories were a little inaccurate.

52 kalex Interesting, funny and difficult challenges (most at least). Pwn could have involved a little less reversing, IMO

52 sqrtrev Good web challenges

52 Iraton good challenge, but difficult

50 Ark (+) very good web challenges! / (-) unbalanced categories

52 bawolff I really liked this ctf. Challenging with very high quality webs. Web chals were hard, not contrived, and not guessy.

52 jpalayoor it is a very interesting ctf with unique challenges

52 jpalayoor very good

52 nobodyisnobody_ interesting (and difficult) challenges.

25 ptr-yudai -too much rev in pwn (like hours in rev and minutes in pwn & what is the tetris one???)/+24h good/+stable and fast server/+responsive admin

52 Uz. Good and Fun Challenge :)