Voting ended at: Oct. 16, 2022, noon

Weight after voting: 24.17 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 St0rM1k Great CTF!! Very interesting challenge!

10 Dysnome Challenges were okay but definitely not realistics

25 zizzix really fun

25 danmaam Good rev challenges, nice intermediate CTF.

25 Io_no Good for intermediate players. Some challenges were a bit guessy.

25 MarcoBalo Extremely guessy. At least osint and forensics

25 d1l3mm4 Nice CTF!

25 gayatri great ctf!

25 qo4ka GG, awesome challenges!

25 Argeros Well-prepared CTF with intermediate and hard challenges

25 Shotokhan Very well-made CTF

25 Wlitkopa I have learnt a lot

25 yotcel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

25 Kollbii Ideal for intermediate CTF players

25 0xB0tm4n Thanks

25 AlienX was tougher than a 25 point ctf

25 kalex Very good CTF! Not guessy and of medium difficulty

25 qualorm A good CTF for more advanced players.

25 defeatedkitten Noice